CD      MC      LP/EP      Zines      Clothes

ABIGAIL (jap.) Intercourse & Lust €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
ADORIOR (uk) Bleed On My Teeth €18 / 1850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice Records   |   Digisleeve
AETHERLEIB (aut.) Untie My Heart From The Shackles Of Grace €7 / 500 ₽
Occult Rock   |   Death Defier Productions   |   Digipak
AETHYRICK (fin.) Solstice Cycle €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   The Sinister Flame
AETHYRICK (fin.) Gnosis €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   The Sinister Flame
ALIEN DEVIANT CIRCUS (fra.) En To Pan Omegas €7 / 450 ₽
Industrial/Black Metal   |   Funeral Industries
ANATOMIA (jap.) Decaying In Obscurity €11 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
APARTHIVA RAKTADHARA (ind.) Adyapeeth Maranasamhita €13 / 1200 ₽
Death/Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead   |   + Poster
ASMODEE (fra.) Aequilanx €11 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Battlesk'rs Productions   |   Digipak
ATANOR (rus.) Atanor €9 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sekt Ov Gnozis   |   Digipak
BARBATOS (jap.) Live At Factory €9 / 350 ₽
Thrash Metal   |   Deathrash Armageddon   |   DVD
BEELZEBUD (sin.) Beelzebud €7 / 550 ₽
Doom/Black Metal   |   Cyclopean Eye Prod
BLACKDEATH (rus.) Chronicles Of Hellish Circles €9 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hammer Of Damnation   |   Digipak
BLACKDEATH (rus.) Saturn Sector €12 / 1050 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar Prod.   |   Digipak
BLACKDEATH (rus.) Phantasmhassgorie €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
BLAZE OF PERDITION (pol.) Towards The Blaze Of Perdition €9 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Putrid Prophet Prod.
BLOOD RED FOG (fin.) Radiating Desolation €7 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ahdistuksen Aihio
BLOOD REVOLT (can.) Indoctrine €7 / 450 ₽
Black Metal   |   Invictus Prod.
BLOODY SIGN (fra.) Chaos Echoes €7 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Blood Harvest
BOTULISTUM (hol.) Pestilential Terror €9 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Target Earth Prod.
BURIAL SUN (fin.) Burial Sun €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   A Fine Day To Die
CATACOMBS (usa) Echoes Through The Catacombs €6 / 350 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Solitude Prod.
CEREKLOTH (den.) Halo Of Syringes €6 / 450 ₽
Death Metal   |   Hells Headbangers
COFFINS (jap.) Buried Death €11 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
COMMUNION (chi.) The Communion €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hells Headbangers
COMMUNION (chi.) At The Announcement €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hells Headbangers
DAPNOM (fra.) Paralipomenes A La Divine Comedie €6 / 500 ₽
Dark Ritual Ambient   |   Mors Ultima Ratio   |   Digipak
DARK MESSIAH (gre.) Echoes Of War €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
DEAKON (rus.) Demo(ns) €5 / 200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Assault/The Howl   |   Digipak
DEATH LIKE MASS (pol.) The Lord Of Flies €19 / 1900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Terratur Possessions   |   Digipak
DEATH YELL (chi.) Morbid Rites €9 / 550 ₽
Death/Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
DECAYED (por.) Nockthurnaal €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hell prod.
DEFEAT (usa) The Winds Have Changed €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   A Fine Day To Die
DEKONSTRUKTOR (rus.) No Way Back €8 / 500 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Hymns Of Apocalypse
DEMONOS (ind.) From Sacred To Profane €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead / Tour De Garde
DENIAL OF GOD (den.) The Horrors Of Satan €13 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hells Headbangers
DEVILPACT (rus.) Θεοφάνια €12 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Cold Breath Of Silence / Храм Больного Звука   |   A5 Digipak
DISHARMONY (gre.) Goddamn The Sun €11 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
DISHARMONY (gre.) Vade Retro Satana €11 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
DISJECTA MEMBRAE (fra.) Taedium Vitae €6 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Black Mass Records
DOMAINS (spa.) Towards Pleroma €9 / 700 ₽
Death Metal   |   Black Mass Records
DRASTUS (fra.) La Croix De Sang €16 / 1400 ₽
Black Metal   |   NoEvDia   |   Digipak
DYSEMBLEM (gre.) Strength Of Giants €8 / 650 ₽
Death Metal   |   Self-Release   |   Digipak
EMBRACE OF THORNS (gre.) Scorn Aesthetics €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
ESSENZ (ger.) Manes Impetus €11 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   Digipak
ETERNAL MAJESTY (fra.) Eternal Recordings €10 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   A Fine Day To Die
EVIL INCARNATE (usa) Lucifers Crown €11 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
FARULN (swe.) The Black Hole Of The Soul €11 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Battlesk'rs Productions   |   Digipak
FLAGELLANT (swe.) Morbus Nefastus €7 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   W.T.C. Prod.
FORMLESS DEVOTION (south africa) Heraldic Ceremonial Mass Obliteration €8 / 450 ₽
Black Metal   |   Cyclopean Eye Prod.
FURIS IGNIS (ger.) Decapitate The Aging World €12 / 1250 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
GALGERAS (hol.) Booswichterij €8 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sadolust Prod.
GESTANK (swe.) Dedicated To Total Devastation €11 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   A Fine Day To Die
GOAT TORMENT (bel.) Dominande Tenebrae €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   Digipak
GOAT TORMENT (bel.) Sermons To Death €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   Digipak
GRAVEYARD (spa.) One With The Dead €7 / 400 ₽
Death Metal   |   Blackseed Prod.
GROLLHEIM (chi.) Ad Portas Tenebraes €13 / 1100 ₽
Ritual Ambient   |   Ksenza Records   |   Digipak Double CD
GRYFTIGAEN (chi.) Fehun​ð​yrdau​ð​r €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ksenza Records   |   Digipak
GZEKHRATUS (spa.) Masters Of Universal Mysteries €12 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Triangulum Ignis   |   Digipak
HANGED GHOST (por.) Knowledge Of The Occult €7 / 300 ₽
Death Metal   |   Universal Tongue
HIEROPHANT'S DESCENT (gre.) The Secret Doctrines Of Unearthly Delights €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Frost And Fire
HOLOCAUSTIA (swe.) The Sacrament Seed €8 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Unholy Horde
HORNS (chi.) Totendienst VI - Antiphonae Omnes Mortum Et Animas Infernalis €13 / 1200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nihilistische KlangKunst
HORNS (chi.) Adveniat Spiritus Inmundus 1994-1998 €13 / 1200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nihilistische KlangKunst
IMPURITY (bra.) The Legend Of Goat €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
IMPURITY (bra.) Satanic Metal Kingdom €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
INQUISITION (usa) Incense Of Rest €17 / 1750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Inferna Profundis Prod.
IRAE (por.) Rites Of Unholy Destruction €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Tenebrd Music
IRON LAMB (swe.) Fool's Gold €7 / 400 ₽
Rock'n'Roll   |   Dybbuk   |   Digipak
ISENSCUR (uk) Monapfylen €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Maleficentissimus Triumphatus   |   Digipak
JORDABLOD (swe.) The Cabinet Of Numinous Song €12 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead   |   Digipak
KARNA (rus.) Raven €5 / 200 ₽
Dark Ambient   |   Eternal Pride Prod.
KHTHONIIK CERVIIKS (ger.) Æquiizoiikum €11 / 950 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
KILL (swe.) Necrofiles €7 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   Dybbuk
KORGONTHURUS (fin.) XX €9 / 777 ₽
Black Metal   |   Woodcut Records   |   Digipak
KORGONTHURUS (fin.) Vuohen Siunaus €10 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Woodcut Records
KRATORNAS (phi.) The Corroding Age Of Wounds €7 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Kneel Before The Master's Throne
KRIEG (usa) Patrick Bateman €8 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Inferna Profundis
KROLOK (slo.) When The Moon Sang Our Songs €10 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Inferna Profundis   |   Digipak
KYTHRONE (chi.) Kult Des Todes €12 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Flamme Noire
LEGACY OF BLOOD (pol.) Tyran Horroru Ciał €7 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Societas Oculorum Arcanorum
LEPRA (hun.) Tongue Of Devil Prayer €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Tenebrd Music
LORD OF DOUBTS (rus.) The Gates Of Doom €6 / 300 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Sekt Ov Gnozis   |   Digipak
LORD OF DOUBTS (rus.) Into The Occult €9 / 400 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Sekt Ov Gnozis   |   Digipak
LVTHN (bel.) The Spider Goddess €10 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   Digipak
MAHR (---) Maelstrom €11 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati
MAHR (---) Antelux €11 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   Digipak
MALHKEBRE (fra.) Prostration €9 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ahdistuksen Aihio   |   Slipcase
MALTHUSIAN (ire.) Across Deaths €10 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Invictus
MANTAK (mal.) Sabahell's Blasphemer €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
MASTER (usa) Slaves To Society €11 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
MATRICIDE (swe.) Holy Virgin €9 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Unholy Horde
MEGALITH LEVITATION (rus.) Acid Doom Rites €11 / 700 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Hymns Of Apocalypse   |   Digipak
MENEGROTH (swi.) Gazourmah €7 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darker Than Black
MHONOS (fra.) Miserere Nostri €9 / 750 ₽
Dark Ambient / Black Metal   |   Zanjeer Zani   |   Digisleeve
MISANTHROPIC ART (rus.) Black Spring €8 / 666 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomos Dei   |   Digipak
MISANTHROPIC ART (rus.) The Streams Of Terror €9 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   S.N.D. Prod.   |   Double CD
MONTE PENUMBRA (por.) Heirloom Of Sullen Fall €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Daemon Worship
MORTEM (peru) The Devil Speaks In Tongues €9 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Merciless Records
MORTEM (peru) Demon Tales €9 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Merciless Records
MORTUARY (mex.) Blackened Images €11 / 850 ₽
Death Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
MUSPELLZHEIMR (den.) Kolbítr €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati
MYRKR (ire.) Offspring Of Gathered Foulness €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
NAHASH (lit.) Nocticula Hecate €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
NAHASH (lit.) Wellone Aeternitas €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
NECROS (fra.) Procession Of Heretics €5 / 500 ₽
Death Metal   |   Gospels Of Death Records
NECROSTENCH (rus.) Abyss Falling Cross €6 / 350 ₽
Death Metal   |   Thou Shalt Kill!   |   DigiFile
NED XXX (fra./aut.) Ned XXX €13 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   NoEvDia   |   Digipak
NEXUL (usa) Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay €10 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead   |   Digipak
NIFELHEIM (swe.) Devil's Force €24 / 2500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise   |   Digibook
NIFELHEIM (swe.) Nifelheim €24 / 2500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise   |   Digibook
NIFELHEIM (swe.) Envoy Of Lucifer €24 / 2500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise   |   Digibook
NIFELHEIM (swe.) Unholy Death €24 / 2500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise   |   Digibook
NIHIL KHAOS (tur.) Noxkult €6 / 350 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Knell Prod.   |   Digipak
NOCTURNAL AMENTIA (ukr.) Heg Regnum Meum Est €5 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hass Weg Prod.
NOCTURNAL VOMIT (gre.) Divine Profanation €7 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   Kill Yourself Prod.
NORDOR (gre.) Honoris Causa €7 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   Under The Sign Of Garazel
NUMINOUS (fin.) Numinous €11 / 950 ₽
Black Metal   |   Northern Heritage
OBSKURE TORTURE (den.) Spilling The Blood Of The World €6 / 300 ₽
Doom/Black Metal   |   Rotting Grave
ORDINANCE (fin.) In Purge There Is No Remission €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   The Sinister Flame
ORTHODOXY (spa.) Novus Lux Dominvs €9 / 800 ₽
Death Metal   |   The Sinister Flame
OUROBOROS (can.) Spear Of Destiny €7 / 350 ₽
Black Metal   |   Supremacy Through Intolerance
PAGAN RITES (swe.) Hellcome Back To Earth €6 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Morbid Metal Records/Atolinga Records
PATRIA (bra.) Liturgia Haeresis €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
PERDITION HEARSE (nor.) Mala Fide €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Frost And Fire
POSSESSION (bel.) His Best Deceit €9 / 800 ₽
Black/Death Metal   |   Invictus
POSSESSION (bel.) 1585-1646 €10 / 850 ₽
Black/Death Metal   |   Invictus
PRALAYA (bra.) Cosmophobos €9 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Defier Productions   |   Digipak
PRIMIGENIUM (spa.) Intolerance €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
PYREFICATIVM (chi.) Phosphorvs €9 / 400 ₽
Black Metal/Ambient   |   Living Temple Records
PYREFICATIVM (chi.) संसार का पथ €11 / 550 ₽
Black Metal/Ambient   |   Living Temple Records   |   Digipak
QRIXKUOR (uk) Incantations From The Abyss €11 / 950 ₽
Death Metal   |   Invictus
RAKSU (den.) Raksu €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   Digipak
RATTENKONIG (aus.) Rotten Demos €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Frost And Fire
RITUAL DEATH (nor.) El Senor De La Tumba €13 / 1200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Revelations Prod.   |   Digipak
RITUAL OF THE DEAD HAND (bel.) Blood Oath €9 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Dunkelheit Prod.   |   Digipak
RITUAL OF THE DEAD HAND (bel.) With Hoof & Horn €11 / 950 ₽
Black Metal   |   Dunkelheit Prod.
RITUALIZATION (fra.) Sacraments To The Sons Of The Abyss €11 / 999 ₽
Black/Death Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
ROTTING HEAVEN (rus.) Apotheosis Of Apocalypse €6 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Knell Prod.
ROTTING HEAVEN (rus.) For The Greater Glory… €6 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Knell Prod.
RUIN (rus.) Stumps €6 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Assault/The Howl
SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM (fra.) Damnatorium Ferrum €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Apparitia Recordings   |   Digipak
SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM (fra.) Railler L'hymen Des Siecles €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Apparitia Recordings   |   Digipak
SACROCURSE (usa) Gnostic Holocaust €11 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hells Headbangers
SADISTIC GRIMNESS (hol.) Asteni €5 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   DWP
SALIGIA (nor.) Lvx Aeternae €10 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Van Records   |   Digipak
SEKTARISM (fra.) Le Son Des Stigmates €9 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Zanjeer Zani   |   Digipak
SEKTARISM (fra.) Fils De Dieu €14 / 1000 ₽
Black Metal   |   End All Life   |   Digipak
SEKTARISM (fra.) La Mort De L'Infidele €11 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Zanjeer Zani   |   Digipak
SEPULCHRAL AURA (fin.) Demonstrantional CD MMVII €7 / 500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ahdistuksen Aiho
SERPENTRANCE (rus.) The Besieged Sanctum €8 / 600 ₽
Death Metal   |   Blood Harvest
SLAVIA (nor.) Strenght & Vision €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.   |   Digipak
SLAVIA (nor.) Integrity And Victory €9 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar prod.
SNAKESKIN ANGELS (swe.) Witchchapel €7 / 550 ₽
Heavy Metal   |   DWP
SODALITY (uk) Benediction part 1 €18 / 1400 ₽
Black Metal   |   NoEvDia
SOYUZ BEAR (fra.) Black Phlegm €7 / 550 ₽
Sludge / Doom   |   Zanjeer Zani   |   Digipak
SUBDUER (ger.) Death Monolith €9 / 800 ₽
Death Metal / Power Electronics   |   Dunkelheit Prod.
SUBVERTIO DEUS (uk.) Psalms Of Perdition €8 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nachtgnozis/Exitium
SUMMONING (aut.) Minas Morgul €21 / 2100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Napalm Records
SUMMONING (aut.) Lugburz €21 / 2100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Napalm Records
SUTEKH HEXEN (usa) Luciform €9 / 700 ₽
Noise / Black Metal   |   Ksenza Records   |   A5 Digipak
TEMPLE DESECRATION (pol.) Whirlwinds Of Fathomless Chaos €12 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
TEMPLE NIGHTSIDE (aus.) Pillars Of Damnation €12 / 999 ₽
Black/Death Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
TERRIBILIS (rus.) Terribilis/Грянет Суть €4 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Echo Abyssi   |   Digipak
TEZCATLIPOCA (mex.) Tlayohualtlapelani €11 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead   |   Digipak
THANATOMASS (rus.) Black Vitriol & Iron Fire €11 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Living Temple Records   |   Digipak
THANATOMASS (rus.) Hades €12 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Living Temple Records
THE MOON MISTRESS (rus.) Silent Voice Inside €8 / 500 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Pestis Insaniae
THE RITE (ita./den.) The Brocken Fires €9 / 800 ₽
Black/Doom Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
THE RITE (ita./den.) Liturgy Of The Black €11 / 999 ₽
Black/Doom Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
THEURGIA (chi.) Genomasis €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Vestigia Flamae
TRANSILVANIA (aut.) Of Sleep And Death €12 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Invictus
TRIUMPHATOR (swe.) Wings Of Antichrist €15 / 1600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Shadow Records   |   Digipak
TYMAH (hun.) Zuhanas €8.5 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   The Sinister Flame
TYRANT'S BLOOD (can.) Tyrant's Blood €8 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   Morbid Moon
ULTAR (rus.) Pantheon MMXIX €9 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ksenza Records   |   Digipak
ULVDALIR (rus.) From The Tyrant's Grave €8 / 500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Cold Breath Of Silence
UNLORD (hol.) Lord Of Beneath €13 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hells Headbangers   |   Digipak
UNLORD (hol.) Schwarzwald €13 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hells Headbangers   |   Digipak
V/A ANTAEUS (fra.) / AOSOTH (fra.)
Wrath Of The Evangelikum €13 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Battlesk'rs Productions   |   Digipak
Split 666 €9 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Drakkar Prod.
Rural, Wicked & Poisonous €10 / 750 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Revelations Prod.
V/A CYBER BAPHOMET (rus.) / KARNA (rus.)
Void 2.0 €6 / 400 ₽
Black Metal   |   S.N.D. Prod.
Warmongers Of The Doomsday Cult €6 / 300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Assault/The Howl
V/A LDRTFS (aus.) / MIGUEL PRADO (spa.)
Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi €6 / 300 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Black Mass Records
Sacrifice Creature €7 / 600 ₽
Dark Ambient / Electronic   |   Mors Ultima Ratio   |   Digipak
O.B.C €9 / 777 ₽
Black Metal   |   Woodcut Records
Ex Nihilio €13 / 1200 ₽
Black Metal   |   NoEvDia   |   Digipak
V/A SABBAT (jap.) / IMPURITY (bra.)
Rage And Horrors €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
V/A SLEEPWALKER (rus.) / FEN (uk)
Call Of Ashes II / Stone And Sea €8 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ksenza Records   |   Digipak
Exclusive tracks from: ARCKANUM, KATHARSIS, MUSTA SURMA etc.. €12 / 1100 ₽
Black Metal   |   W.T.C. / Blut & Eisen   |   Digipak
VALGALDR (nor.) Ostenfor Sol €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Fallen Angels Prod.
VANDOD (nor.) Vandod €7 / 650 ₽
Black Metal   |   Ksenza Records   |   Digipak
VERBUM (chi.) Processio Flagellates €9 / 400 ₽
Death Metal   |   Living Temple Records
VERBUM (chi.) Exhortation To The Impure €12 / 1200 ₽
Death Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
VICTIMIZER (den.) Resurrected Abominations €6 / 300 ₽
Death/Thrash Metal   |   Hell's Headbangers
VON (usa) Satanic Blood Ritual €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   DVD
VORUM (fin.) Current Mouth €9 / 666 ₽
Death Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice   |   Digipak
VORUM (fin.) Poisoned Void €9 / 666 ₽
Death Metal   |   Woodcut Records   |   Digipak
VORUM (fin.) Grim Death Awaits €9 / 666 ₽
Death Metal   |   Woodcut Records
WINTERBLUT (ger.) Monotot €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nihilistische KlangKunst
WINTERBLUT (ger.) Seid Furchtbar Und Zerstöret Euch! €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nihilistische KlangKunst
WOLFTHORN (ger.) Towards Ipsissimus €9 / 650 ₽
Black Metal   |   Obscure Abhorrence
WOLFTHORN (ger.) Cold Inside €9 / 650 ₽
Black Metal   |   Behemoth Prod.
WOLFTHORN (ger.) 10 Years In His Name €9 / 650 ₽
Black Metal   |   Misanthropic Art
WOMB11 (rus.) (-) €12 / 850 ₽
Nekro Industrial   |   Dunkelheit Prod.
WULKANAZ (swe.) Paralys €11 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Helter Skelter Prod.
НЕЖИВОЙ (rus.) Пять Башен €11 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Cold Breath Of Silence / Храм Больного Звука   |   Digipak

CD      MC      LP/EP      Zines      Clothes

21:37 (pol.) Cannibal Christ €4 / 350 ₽
Black Metal   |   Baleful Benediction
ABHORIOR (chi.) Secretion Of The Ophidian Mandala €10 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Mahamvantara Arts Records
ALHISTJA (hol.) Alhistja €9 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit
ARKHON INFAUSTUS (fra.) In Sperma Infernum €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Impure Wedding
ARROGANCE (usa) Carpet Bomb Reality €7 / 500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Hooded In Oil Records
AURA NOIR (nor.) Dreams Like Deserts €9 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise
CAIXAO (por.) Demo 2020 €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
D.R.E.P. (hol.) Promo 2022 €7 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit
DIE KUNST DER FINSTERNIS (swe.) Revenant In A Phantom World €8 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati
DOLMEN (usa) (pre-ABSU) On The Eve Of War - Outtakes'89 €7 / 600 ₽
Death Metal   |   Frost And Fire
FUNERAL WINDS (hol.) Screaming For Resurrection €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
FUNERAL WINDS (hol.) The Unheavenly Saviour €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
FUNERARY TORCH (int.) Funerary Torch €7 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
GNETERSWART (ger.) Gneterswart €7 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati
LUCIFER'S HAMMER (usa) The Burning Church €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
LORD OF DOUBTS (rus.) Into The Occult €5 / 450 ₽
Doom Metal   |   Lvx MorgenStern
MALAKHIM (swe.) Theion €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Impure Wedding
MORTE SACRA (por.) Ruina Humana Pestis €7 / 650 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit
NAUDIZ (ita.) Wulfasa Kunja €6 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iront Tyrant
NECROMANTE (bra.) The Primitive Conception Of Evil €7 / 500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Death Defier Productions
NETTLECARRIER (nor.) Black Coffin Rites €8 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Impure Wedding
NIGHTFOG DESCENDS (fra.) Nightfog Descends €7 / 650 ₽
Black Metal   |   Impure Wedding
PESTIVOMOUS (chi.) The Last Wound (Demo I) €7 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Penitenziagite Records
RITES OF THY DEGRINGOLADE (can.) The Universe In Three Parts €6 / 650 ₽
Black/Death Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
RITES OF THY DEGRINGOLADE (can.) The Blade Philosophical €10 / 850 ₽
Black/Death Metal   |   Battlesk'rs Productions
RITUAL DEATH (nor.) Ritual Death I €12 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Living Temple Records   |   UV varnish slipcase / obi-stripe
RITUAL DEATH (nor.) Ritual Death II €12 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Living Temple Records   |   UV varnish slipcase / obi-stripe
SALTAS (swe.) The Seize Opus II €8 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Impure Wedding
SANCTUS MORTEM (usa) Demo I €6 / 500 ₽
Ambient / Black Metal   |   Darkness Attack
SIJJIN (ger.) Angel Of The Eastern Gate €9 / 900 ₽
Death Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise
SIJJIN (ger.) Sumerian Promises €9 / 900 ₽
Death Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise
SOLAR MASS (nwz) Pseudomorphosis €6 / 550 ₽
Death Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
SOMNIATE (cze.) The Meyrinkian Slumber €11 / 950 ₽
Black Metal   |   Cloven Hoof
SOYUZ BEAR (fra.) MMXV €9 / 800 ₽
Sludge / Doom   |   Zanjeer Zani   |   Patch/Sticker Bundle
SVABHAVAT (usa) Black Mirror Reflection €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Eternity Records
SVARTSYN (swe.) Bloodline €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit
SVARTSYN (swe.) Destruction Of Man €10 / 900 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit
THANATOMASS (rus.) Hades €10 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Lvx MorgenStern   |   Slipcase
THERIOMORPH (fin.) Diabolical Bloodswords €12 / 999 ₽
Black Metal   |   Terratur Possessions / Cloven Hoof
ULVDALIR (rus.) …Of Death Eternal €8 / 600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Narbentage Produktionen
The Black Legions March Over The Killing Fields/Self Destruction Ritual €5 / 450 ₽
Black Metal   |   Grave Ritual Prod.
VENEFICES (pol.) Succubacy (Demo) €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!
VOIDNAGA (mal.) MMXVI Demo €6 / 550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Iron Bonehead
WATAIN (swe.) The Agony & Ecstasy Of Watain €11 / 1200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Darkness Shall Rise

CD      MC      LP/EP      Zines      Clothes

ABRUPTUM (swe.) Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectére Me €20 / 2200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Blooddawn / Inferna Profundis   |   12" LP
ABRUPTUM (swe.) In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, In Aeternum In Triumpho €20 / 2200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Blooddawn / Inferna Profundis   |   12" LP
ADORIOR (uk) Bleed On My Teeth €30 / 3100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice Records   |   12" LP
ANTEDILUVIAN (can.) Septentrional Theophany €11 / 950 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   7" EP
ASCENSION (ger.) With Burning Tongues €18 / 1800 ₽
Black Metal   |   W.T.C.   |   12" LP
AZELISASSATH (swe.) Total Desecration Of Existence €28 / 3200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Amor Fati   |   12" LP
AZELISASSATH (swe.) Past Times Of Eternal Downfall €25 / 2800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Purity Through Fire   |   12" LP
CHARON (ger.) Sulphur Seraph €18 / 2000 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice   |   12" LP
DEATH LIKE MASS (pol.) The Lord Of Flies €32 / 3400 ₽
Black Metal   |   Terratur Possessions   |   12" LP
DEATHSPELL OMEGA (fra.) The Long Defeat €30 / 3300 ₽
Black Metal   |   NoEvDia   |   12" LP
DEMONCY (usa) Faustian Dawn €22 / 2600 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   12" LP
DROWNED (ger.) Procul His €29 / 3100 ₽
Death Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice Records   |   12" LP
DUIVEL (hol.) Heiligschennis €22 / 2300 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit   |   12" LP   |   Sulphur Yellow Vinyl / B-side etched
FLUISTERWOUD (hol.) Een Sinister Schouwspel... €8 / 850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit   |   7" EP
FUNEREAL PRESENCE (usa) Achatius €29 / 3100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice Records   |   12" LP
FUNEREAL PRESENCE (usa) The Archer Takes Aim €29 / 3100 ₽
Black Metal   |   Sepulchral Voice Records   |   12" LP
GNIPAHALAN (swe.) I Nordisk Vredeslusta €35 / 3800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Purity Through Fire   |   2*12" LP
GOATPENIS (bra.) jesus Coward €20 / 1800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   12" MLP
GOATPENIS (bra.) Blessed By War €20 / 1800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   12" LP
GOATPENIS (bra.) HtaeD No TabbaS €20 / 1800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   12" MLP
ISRATHOUM (hol.) Antru Kald €13 / 1200 ₽
Black Metal   |   DWP   |   12" LP
LORD OF PAGATHORN (fin.) Shine Through My Scars, Morning Star! €8 / 700 ₽
Black Metal   |   Woodcut Records   |   7" EP
MALEKHAMOVES (fra.) Malekhamoves €10 / 900 ₽
Death Metal   |   Battlesk'rs Productions   |   7" EP
MATRICIDE (swe.) Morning Star €9 / 800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Daemon Worship Productions   |   7" EP
MYSTIK (swe.) Skalder Från Urskogens Dunkla Mystik €35 / 4200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Purity Through Fire   |   2*12" LP
MYSTIK (swe.) Dunkla Klangor Af Herrens Mystik… €35 / 4200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Purity Through Fire   |   2*12" LP
NECROPHOBIC (swe.) Hrimthursum €29 / 2950 ₽
Death Metal   |   Century Media   |   12" LP   |   White Vinyl
NECROPHOBIC (swe.) Death To All €29 / 2950 ₽
Death Metal   |   Century Media   |   12" LP   |   Clear Vinyl
NECROSLEEZER (can.) Pope Kill €19 / 1800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   12" LP
NEGATIVE PLANE (usa) Et In Saecula Saeculorum €36 / 4200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Invictus   |   2*12" LP
NEGATIVE PLANE (usa) Stained Glass Revelations €36 / 4200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Invictus   |   2*12" LP
ONE TAIL, ONE HEAD (nor.) Worlds Open, Worlds Collide €20 / 2200 ₽
Black Metal   |   Terratur Possessions   |   12" LP
SACRIFICIO (spa.) Sacrificio €17 / 1800 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nuclear War Now!   |   12" MLP
SALIGIA (nor.) Fonix €17 / 1500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Van Records   |   12" LP
SKUGGEHEIM (nor.) Daudssyklusen €35 / 3850 ₽
Black Metal   |   Terratur Possessions   |   2*12" LP
SKUGGEHEIM (nor.) Koldheitas Spekter €32 / 3500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Terratur Possessions   |   12" LP   |   Silver Vinyl
SVARTSYN (swe.) Destruction Of Man €28 / 3000 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit   |   12" LP
TEITANBLOOD (spa.) Black Putrescence Of Evil €28 / 2900 ₽
Black Metal   |   From Below Prod.   |   12" LP
THANATOMASS (rus.) MMXV​-​MMXVI €23 / 2500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit   |   12" LP
THANATOMASS (rus.) Black Vitriol & Iron Fire €23 / 2500 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit   |   12" LP
THANATOMASS (rus.) Hades €28 / 3000 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit / Living Temple Records   |   12" LP
UNANIMATED (swe.) In The Light Of Darkness €29 / 2950 ₽
Death Metal   |   Century Media   |   12" LP
V/A CHALICE (swe.) / ILLSKA (swe.)
Split Demo €17 / 1550 ₽
Black Metal   |   Nomad Snakepit   |   12" LP
WOMB11 (rus.) (-) €26 / 2700 ₽
Nekro Industrial   |   Dunkelheit Prod.   |   12" LP   |   Bone Transparent Vinyl

CD      MC      LP/EP      Zines      Clothes

HARUSPEX ZINE (can.) #1 €15 / 1350 ₽
Ares Kingdom,Sabbat,Conqueror,Martire,Rotting Christ (Interviews with Sakis Tolis, Jim Mutilator, and Magus Vampyr Daoloth),Pseudogod,Anatomia,Bone Awl (Interview featuring HWCT and HWGT),Bestial Raids,Faustcoven and an artists’ discussion featuring Denis Forkas, Tim Grieco, Marko Marov, and Manuel Tinnemans + ANTEDILUVIAN (can.) "Septentrional Theophany" 7'EP   |   PHOTO

CD      MC      LP/EP      Zines      Clothes

IRKALLIAN ORACLE (swe.) Flag €11 / 950 ₽
91*111 cm.    |   FLAG   |   PHOTO
OSCULUM INFAME (fra.) Logo Patch €3 / 300 ₽
10*4 cm. woven   |   PATCH   |   PHOTO
PSEUDOGOD (rus.) Devourer Of Illusions €25 / 2200 ₽
Gildan Ultra Cotton, SIZES: S   |   LONGSLEEVE   |   PHOTO
PSEUDOGOD (rus.) Sepulchral Chants €20 / 1900 ₽
Gildan Hammer Cotton, SIZES: S, M   |   T-SHIRT   |   PHOTO
PSEUDOGOD (rus.) Deathwomb Catechesis €23 / 2000 ₽
Gildan Ultra Cotton, SIZES: S   |   T-SHIRT   |   PHOTO
PSEUDOGOD (rus.) Logo Patch €6 / 550 ₽
9*7 cm. woven   |   PATCH   |   PHOTO
PSEUDOGOD (rus.) Sigil Patch €6 / 550 ₽
10 cm. embroidered   |   PATCH   |   PHOTO
PYREFICATIVM (chi.) संसार का पथ €23 / 1900 ₽
Gildan Heavy Cotton, SIZES: M   |   T-SHIRT   |   PHOTO
TERRATUR POSSESSIONS (nor.) Logo €20 / 1800 ₽
Anvil Cotton, SIZES: S   |   T-SHIRT   |   PHOTO